Correspondence Protection Plan

Offering a robust line of products to meet your personal and business needs

Working with the IRS is one of our specialties

Audit services

The Correspondence and Identity Theft Protection Plan (CPP) will provide you with support for any correspondence or notices you receive from the IRS or New York State or any other state concerning your current year tax return. For this year, that would be the 2022 tax returns.

The Correspondence and Identity Theft Protection Plan is an affordable protection plan that will let you avoid future bills for Notices, Letters or requests for more information from the IRS, NYS or any other state for the current year. We will prepare a Power of Attorney form, if needed, and then contact the governmental agency on your behalf. We will provide whatever information the government requests, and argue on your behalf if we believe the government is wrong. We will also request abatements of any penalties the IRS or state is charging, providing whatever information we can to justify the abatement.

We will represent you in any meetings with the IRS or state concerning your tax returns. We will not be able to represent you if your case goes to Appeals, since we are not authorized to do that. If the correspondence is concerning income or some other item which was not provided to us, this plan will not cover any work involving that issue.

In addition, if there is an instance of identity theft with the IRS, we will prepare the necessary paperwork for the IRS and will guide and assist you along the way.

You will still be responsible for any tax, penalties or interest that may be due or assessed by the governmental agency. You also agree to cooperate with our staff by providing all necessary documentation and source documents requested within 30 days of our request.